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stuck on apple logo
My iPhone was stuck on the apple logo for three hours and I don't know what to do. This software help me to make my iPhone back to normal.
enter recovery mode
I think manually enter recovery mode is so complicated. This software allows me to enter recovery mode with one click. What convenient!
fix iphone
Thanks so much of fixing my phone that was stuck on the apple logo!!!!!!!
fix itunes unkonwn error
Thanks for the tool. This software help me fix the itunes unknown error within some simple steps!
stuck on black screen
My phone was stuck on black screen when I update my iOS system, I cannot get my iPhone back to normal. Luckily, my friend recommend this software to help me get my phone back to normal. Such helpful!
enter recovery mode
I don't know what happened with my iPhone, it can't enter recovery mode with using buttons. But I found this free recovery mode tool to help me enter into recovery mode with one click.
out of recovery mode
I update my iPhone, but I got stuck in recovery mode. But I found this software, and it helps me out of recovery mode and makes my iPhone back to normal. Great free tool to exit recovery mode.
crash while upgrading
My iPhone was crash while upgrading, this software help me fix the iOS system to normal with one click.
fix itunes error
My iTunes can not backup files successfully because of itunes error, what amazed me was Any iOS System Repair can fix the itunes errror problem.
get out of black screen
My iPhone was stuck on black screen and cannot back to normal no matter how hard I try. My sister recommended this software to me, and it helps me to get out of black screen within simple steps. Thanks a lot!