How to Turn off VoiceOver on iPhone 7/7 Plus/8/X/11/12/13
Jerry Cook
- Updated on 2021-09-23 to  iPhone Data
VoiceOver is a screen reader feature which is designed to make it easier for users with visual impairment to have their an iPhone or iPad's screen read to them, including messages, notifications and other received contents. Some of us enable this feature just out of curiosity, but once activated this feature, you may notice this is not easy to turn it off. No worries, in this post, we will guide you how to turn off VoiceOver on iPhone 7/7 Plus/8/X/11/12/13.
4 Ways to Disable VoiceOver on iPhone 7/7 Plus/8/X/11/12/13
If this sort of things happen to you or your friends, you can switch off VoiceOver by doing either of the following
- Way 1. Triple Tap the Home Button to Disable VoiceOver
- Way 2. Manually Switch off VoiceOver from Settings
- Way 3. Turn off VoiceOver Using Siri
- Way 4. Disable VoiceOver with iTunes
Way 1. Triple Tap the Home Button to Disable VoiceOver
Simply hit the Home button 3 times in rapid succession to turn VoiceOver off, and it will say VoiceOver off accordingly. More importantly, this way can be applied to turn off VoiceOver on iPhone when locked.
Way 2. Manually Switch off VoiceOver from Settings
To get started, please make sure you're on the Home screen. If not, simply press the Home button to get there.
Then go to settings>>General>> Accessibility>> Accessibility Shortcut>>VoiceOver, and double tap on it to toggle it off.

3. Turn off VoiceOver Using Siri
If two methods above didn't do the trick, you can also tell Siri to"turn off VoiceOver" if Siri is set up properly.Now follow the steps below to achieve it.
Long press the Home button to activate Siri first. Once activated, just say "Turn off VoiceOver." ThenYou may have to wait a moment for Siri.
When Siri says "OK, I turned off VoiceOver," you will surprisingly find that the VoiceOver has been disabled successfully.
If you want to turn VoiceOver back on, simply activate Siri again and say "Turn on VoiceOver."

Way 4. Disable VoiceOver with iTunes
You still have another option to disable VoiceOver using iTunes. When you can't turn off speech on iPhone directly, try using iTunes.
You just need to connect your iPhone to iTunes. Then hit Configure Accessibility… option in Options section.
Next, tick Neither for Seeing in the pop up Accessibility window, and Click OK. After all these you'll find that VoiceOver has been switched off on your iPhone.

Hope this article is helpful in turning off VoiceOver on iPhone 7/7 Plus/8/X/11/12/13. If you have met any other issues during this process, like mistakenly deleted some important data on iOS 15/14/13/12/11.2.2/11.2.1/11 device and don't want to restore your iPhone, you can get a powerful data recovery tool — UltFone iOS Data Recovery to get back your lost data with or without backup.